If you plan to relocate to the Dallas area, you’ve come to the right place for information about Dallas real estate, Dallas neighborhoods, and the cultural and lifestyle experiences of the DFW Metroplex! The Dallas area is truly a one-of-a-kind place with a very diverse group of unique communities that offer an array of entertainment, recreational, economic, and educational opportunities for every lifestyle.
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Facts and Statistics About the Size of the DFW Metroplex and its Cities
The DFW Metroplex is comprised of 12 counties with a collective population that is projected to rise to nearly 6.7 million in 2014. Although the Metroplex is the fourth largest metropolitan area in the United States, it is the least densely populated. Read more Facts and Statistics about DFW Cities here.
Areas of Dallas
If you’ve never been to Dallas or if you don’t know the different areas of Dallas well, you’ll find this section especially helpful. Learn about the major areas of Dallas and the major reasons why people choose to live in them. Are you concerned about finding a good school or are you more concerned with a reasonable commute time to work? From the city to the suburbs and the small towns of the Metroplex, read about the school districts, recreational opportunities, entertainment, geography, and culture of the various areas of the Dallas Metroplex.
Dallas Housing Prices and Cost of Living
How do Dallas Housing Prices compare to other US cities? How affordable is Dallas relative to other cities in the US? How do home prices compare in different parts of Dallas? Is it better to rent or own in Dallas?
The Dallas Economy
How do the Dallas and Texas economies compare to other cities and states in the US? What are strongest employment sectors in Dallas? What are some professions that do notably well in Dallas? Which professions are paid well in Dallas relative to other cities? How does the unemployment rate in Dallas and Texas compare to other cities and states? What are some projections for the DFW economy?
What Should You Know About Buying A Home In Dallas, TX
Did you know many of the laws and regulations that govern real estate transactions in Texas work differently than many other states? How is buying a home different in Texas than other states? How are property taxes in Dallas relative to other cities and states? What costs of buying and owning a home in Dallas, TX? How does the real estate contract work in Texas?
Dallas Weather and Climate
What is the weather like in Dallas? What’s the low, average, and high temperatures and precipitation like in Dallas? What can I expect the weather to be like in Dallas in the spring, summer, fall, and winter months? What do homeowners need to know about how the Texas weather and climate may affect their home? Learn more about the Dallas weather and climate here.
Dallas Transportation, Traffic, and Commuting Information
Dallas has a very advanced public transportation system. DART, the city’s regional transit authority, services Dallas and 12 suburbs with light rail, bus, and special bus service for elderly and disabled. The Dallas freeway and tollway system is complex, but the city has kept up with the rapid growth in population.
Working with a Relocation Company
What is a relocation company? How does working with a relocation company help with buying and/or selling a home?